Beyond Right & Left nominated for NSW Literary prize
Beyond Right and Left has been nominated for the Gleebooks Prize in the NSW Literary Awards. Read more to view the judges comments.
What the judges have said about Beyond Right & Left
"An incisive and illuminating discussion of the transformation of political alignments in Australia today. David McKnight rejects the old labels 'left' and 'right', arguing that a new free market 'right' is really a new radicalism, not conservatism in new clothes; and that the 'left' is now reactionary and conservative, struggling and so far failing to adjust to the radical changes set in train by the 'right'."
"This in itself would be a valuable contribution to political debate in Australia and the western world, but McKnight goes further in positing a new politics of humanism, characterised by compassion and concern for the common good. This book constitutes a thorough and richly informative rethinking of the structures of politics and culture in the hope of reviving reformist politics, and should stimulate debate."